Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Wish I Had Tinted Windows

I took a day trip to Canada last weekend with a friend. We ventured up to Toronto to get some yummy sushi but didn't expect to be so surprised by the differences between the two countries. It may seem like such a little thing but this is just an example of how nosey and agressive most Americans are in everyday life.

Have you ever looked into another car while driving and it seems as though that person can tell and looks back at you? Classic awkward eye contact. Not only do most of us feel the urge to "creep" on other people while driving but when we're being "creeped on", we immediately follow suit and look back. This doesn't necessarily bother me but this American characteristic is almost nonexistent once you cross the border into Canada.

When we were driving on the QEW last week (a major highway through Canada after the Peace bridge), I noticed that not one Canadian looked in the window of my car. I looked in multiple vehicles, of course, but not one person even looked back to make eye contact! This astounded me and made me realize that even though it's just a few miles away, the Canadian life and people seem much more relaxed and private than Americans. Nobody over there, except border control, cared what we were up to, where we were going or what we did in our car.
A picture of Yaong St. in Toronto that I took last weekend.

I can't help but thinking that this is just a very miniscule example of how concered Americans become with everyone else's business. Granted, the cliché that states, the grass is always greener on the other side, is pretty accurate. I've never lived or spent substantial time in Canada to know that they defintiely tend to stay out of other's lives. (Fun fact: After saying that in the car on the ride home my friend commented, "but the grass really is greener on this side," and he's right.)

If I've learned anything from this experience, it's to be more concerned with myself and my actions/reactions than the business of people that I will probably never see again. Although people watching is one of my favorite things, I will try to be a little more polite about it. Also, I'm starting to seriously edit what I do and how I act in my car when it's light outside. I'm weird in public; I can't imagine what people think when they see me having conversations with the Buddha bobblehead, Daiko, that sits on my dashboard!

That's Daiko up top and Reptar is the stuffed lion...and yes we really do have conversations.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's Not My Fault You Hate Your Job

One of my biggest pet peeves is when employees are just plain rude. I worked in a customer-oriented field for a few years and I know how big of a difference a smile can make. I also know how big of a impact a bad attitude will make.

Today I walked into Plato's closet and unfortunately had to deal with a stuck-up miserable girl about my age. I tried to kill her with kindness but the death glares kept on coming every time I spoke. The girl behind her realized how rude she was being and immediately stepped in and started talking to me.

Everybody has bad days and I know how hard it can be to hide it. However, when you're in the retail or food business, attitude is everything. I looked at a job today for mystery shopping and my experience became pretty ironic. If I didn't have such a hard time being mean to other people, I probably could've written a pretty nasty but accurate review of my service today.

I'm not asking for everyone to be happy constantly but a smile never hurt anyone. I know that when I forced myself to smile and positively interact with customers as a hostess, I automatically put myself into a good mood. Mind over matter people! Nobody has to be miserable; happiness is a choice.

Took this in a museum in NYC a few years ago. If this doesn't make me want to be happy, I don't know what else could.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Give Me My Clothes Back!

I've had a few instances where somebody has stolen my things at school and I'm so annoyed with it! I know that probably everybody out there has witnessed somebody wearing something of theirs and been like, "WTF!?" I just had that happen.

I was looking through some pictures on facebook of people I went to school with and I saw a picture of a girl two years younger than me wearing a sweatshirt that looked awfuly familiar. As I looked through more pictures I remembered that it was the same girl I thought took that same hoodie from me during a high school sport's practice. This had to have been a year ago so maybe it's just coincidence but it's pretty ironic and I don't ever associate with this girl. The next day at practice I happened to see it in her bag when I ran into the locker room quick. I ended up waiting a few weeks and seeing if anyone turned it in and nobody did.

I'm on the far right wearing the alleged sweartshirt. Photo credit: someone on that band trip!

A couple months ago I left my hemp bag, Lambchop (don't judge me), in the Subway (sandwich subway, not metro) at Canisius. I realized it the next day and worked with Public Safety for about two weeks trying to see what happened to it. For those of you reading this that aren't from Canisius, everything that goes missing gets turned into PubSafe. They watched the tapes from the only outside hallway but never located the backpack. Mind you, it was a $30 backpack with a math and history notebook in it; it wasn't overly desired. I loved that backpack and I even had sewn my own button on it and everything.

"Lambchop in the big bad city of Cleveland. R.I.P."

Maybe I'm just too guilty or forgetful of a person but I could never knowingly steal someone else's property. I couldn't even take my sister's shirt the other day without feeling immediately bad and putting it back before I left the room. Plus, I texted her and admitted it. Even though she's just my sister! The only thing that I can think of taking and never giving back in my niece's shirt. Angel, if you're reading this, I still have your green peace sign vs shirt and I'll bring it next time I come over.

If I have anybody's stuff please be happy to prove me guilty and I'll return it.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Tobacco Trend

Today I had a conversation with a good friend of mine about hookah. This friend doesn't smoke cigarettes and, like me, is repulsed when people do.

She asked me why I won't try hookah after I told her that I was asked to do it tonight while hanging out with an old friend. I replied, "because I don't smoke tobacco." She looked puzzled and I proceeded to ask her what she thought was smoked in a hookah. She answered, "well it's a healthier plant kinda like marijuana but not and its legal, right?"

It really astounds me when people just jump right into whatever fad is trending without really contemplating it. The friend I was speaking of is a pretty smart girl usually and HAS smoked hookah before. I don't know about other health conscious or aware people, but I would never smoke anything before I knew what it really was. 

In fact, I researched into it a little more today and found that smoking out of a hookah is indeed worse than smoking cigarettes. Since there is no filter in a hookah the carbon monoxide, nicotine and other harmful substances are directly admitted into the body. No thanks...I'd like to live a long life.

To each their own, though. I don't try to judge other people's lifestyles because we all sin differently but I just thought it was interesting how little people care to know about what they're opening their body to.

If you want some more info on hookah I really liked this wesbite and it's reliable:

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

They're the Reason You're ALIVE

I've always been the sentimental kind of person. I try to make sure that everybody close to me knows how important they are and that I wouldn't be the same without them. My obsession with photography revolves around this and the desire to concrete every emotion, experience and event in my life.

For those of you that don't know, my dad passed away on April 3rd, 2008. There's not too much that I can say to help someone else understand the connection we had and the part of me that was lost when we lost the true him back in January of 2007. I was too young to understand what a wonderful person was right next to me every day for 15 years and how much he really meant to me.

"Perfection Wasted"

And another regrettable thing about death
is the ceasing of your own brand of magic,
which took a whole life to develop and market --
the quips, the witticisms, the slant
adjusted to a few, those loved ones nearest
the lip of the stage, their soft faces blanched
in the footlight glow, their laughter close to tears,
their tears confused with their diamond earrings,
their warm pooled breath in and out with your heartbeat,
their response and your performance twinned.
The jokes over the phone. The memories
packed in the rapid-access file. The whole act.
Who will do it again? That's it: no one;
imitators and descendants aren't the same.

John Updike

It's that time of the year at Canisius College when seeing boxes, totes and various electronics coming off the elevator families at a time is a normal occurence. Every day since last week I've witnessed someone my age be so rude, disrespectful and  unappreciative to their parents who are only here to help. No, I don't know their situation just as they don't know mine so maybe this is a little judgemental of me but it derives from a lot of experiences of people taking advantage of their parents.

For once think not about the money, clothes, technology and other materialistic things they have or haven't bought you and focus on their love and commitment. I'm not saying every parent is perfect, they're human too, I just like to recognize the parents that will do anything and everything in their power to love and support their child. It may not seem like they always do the right thing or try to understand you but that doesn't mean they don't care.

This post goes out to my Mom who I know tries so hard to be the best she can be for her children. I don't tell her enough but I need her more than she thinks. We haven't had the perfect relationship (who has?) but we both have an understanding that no matter what we're always there for each other.

We're all children of someone. For those who still can, appreciate. For those who can't, teach.
A tree cannot grow without roots.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Convenience of Texting

Why isn't he texting me?

I find myself asking this question every single day. I've become very aware that technology is used as the number one constant source of communication, affection and symbol of caring. I've also become aware that I'm 100% guilty of this. Let's face it, courting doesn't exist in this day and age and the internet and cell phones are the new dating services. They shouldn't be though; why do we expect so much more but in such a superficial manner?

Only one time I have been asked, in person and in a public setting, for my number. He wasn't very honest in his intentions of wanting my number but it's hard to go up to someone and just say, "Hi, I like you, here's my number," no matter how many times you listen to "Call Me Maybe." My reaction was pure shock, not because I was interested or flattered, but because I was just stunned. Every time I've been asked out on a first date it's been through some form of technology. This is just the start of what turns out to be a relationship that is defined and expressed mostly through facebook and cell phones.

In my experiences, if a guy doesn't text me, he's not interested. That's not always the case though. I know for a fact that the guy I've been seeing for a long time really likes and cares about me even if he has a hard time showing it. Every day I wonder what he's doing, where he is, what he's thinking about, if he's thought about me, etc. I'm nosey and like to have constant communication. I used to think that I'm just genuinely interested in his day and his thoughts but maybe it really is just all about me and my satisfaction. Do I really need to have conversation with him every day just to know that I'm important to him? No. Still, each day I don't get a text I go to bed wondering if everything is okay and if I'm still the one he wants to be with. There's a lot wrong with this picture. Such a superficial thing shouldn't be the deciding factor of the status of any relationship.

Technology, especially texting, has become the number one source of affection and frankly, I'm sick of it. I like cute texts just like any other girl but I look at my older siblings and how their relationships revolve around real-life communication, love and affection. In my heart I know things are fine and that I'm still his 'ponyo' but I can't help but wonder why I have that constant urge to be reminded of this.

A good friend of mine and I were talking about what love means to us tonight. He told me that: "It's being with someone and not having to try. You can just sit there and not talk and you're happy. You shouldn't have to make it obvious that you love them; it's not something that needs to be shown it's something that should be felt."

This struck a pretty big chord in my head and he's absolutely right. If the reason that I have this draw to constant reminders that I'm loved through materialistic and shallow ways is because that's the way that love is shown now-a-days then that's just sad.

 I have no answers for this one and I'm still going to bed craving a cute text but I just wanted to remind everyone reading this that taking a step away from the convenience of technology might make the reality of your relationships, love or family, become more real and genuine. Now if only I could take my own advice. If you have an argument or agree I'd definitely be interested in hearing your opinion on this because the idea is still fumbling around in my mind. Goodnight all.

Monday, May 7, 2012

No Motivation = Procrastination

Every since I learned what homework was I didn't feel like doing it. This is a pretty normal statement for the average person. I haven't ever met one person that has told me they like homework because well, that's just absurd. However, I do like to learn. So what's the difference?

My main philosophy in life is following and interpreting my instincts. When it comes down to it, my instincts tell me that reading a book and doing a 7pg essay isn't going to really help me remember all of this information and the morals behind it.

The conclusion that this makes me draw is that I'm learning in the wrong way. Don't get me wrong, I love school and I love having teachers that are, mostly, there to help guide me to learn and grow. But, I can't help thinking that the way schooling is set up in the modern world is just unnatural. For example, scheduling classes at 8am is just plain dumb. Religion is one of those things that never stops fascinating me but at 8am I could care less. That example might be a little more shallow than the rest of them but you get the point.

It seems as though the Department of Education just decides that a certain amount of information should be given to the student and whatever they retain will determine how successful they are. Sometimes I feel like the information I'm required to learn and the courses I have to take are similar to things that I keep just because I feel like I should. I know I'll probably never use them or remember that they're there but it just seems right to be within my reach.

Every person should be able to learn what they want and how they want. I hope that one day schooling will be less dreadful and more fufilling. I think the way college is set up goes in the direction of this idea but I'm still sitting here writing this blog instead of that 7pg paper...oops!

Be Your Own Garbage Man

Pol·lu·tion (noun): the man made act of introducing harmful or unnatural substances into the enviornment

How hard is it for you to NOT throw your garbage out the window!? Here's a tip to all of the ignorant people out there that are too stupid to realize they are destorying the only divine thing on this planet: put a plastic bag in your car and use it as a trash can. Nobody wants your McDonald's quarter pounder box in their front lawn!
Every day that I take a walk I pick up somebody else's garbage. I don't mind because I know that I'm correcting a mistake of another person and making my Earth cleaner. I know pollution is never going to stop and I'm not trying to shove hippie thoughts down everybody's throats. For all of you that reailze this is a problem and take pride in not being ignorant and lazy, try to take the time to correct one mistake of someone else and maybe we can harmonize this mess we've made.

In my opinion, the most beautiful places are the ones that are untouched by humans. I'm sure this won't be the last time I blog about this issue but I figured that my first post might as well promote my biggest idealogy.

A picture of my cousin Alandra at Hamburg Beach. This is the only part of the beach that I've ever seen without one piece of garbage and I commend each and every person that has helped make it this way.


So everyday I find myself getting annoyed with the human population. Instead of accepting it I've decided to vent about it. If you agree then pass it on! A very wise man once told me that trying to teach the ignorant is hopeless and they'll learn when they're ready to. So just remember that if you agree don't try to teach with words; prove with actions.

If you find yourself doing some of the things I complain about, don't feel like a bad person. Everybody has flaws and takes advantage of something. Just look at my views with open eyes, try to laugh and if you feel ashamed then do something about it.

Keep in mind that I'm not perfect! I just try to drown all the negativity in the world with compassion. By evaluating the wrongful, in my eyes, acts of other people I hope that I can better myself. This blog is mostly for my personal growth but if I can help or influence other people then that's just a bonus.

"Be humble for you are made of Earth. Be noble for you are made of stars." 

Enjoy [: