Monday, May 7, 2012

Be Your Own Garbage Man

Pol·lu·tion (noun): the man made act of introducing harmful or unnatural substances into the enviornment

How hard is it for you to NOT throw your garbage out the window!? Here's a tip to all of the ignorant people out there that are too stupid to realize they are destorying the only divine thing on this planet: put a plastic bag in your car and use it as a trash can. Nobody wants your McDonald's quarter pounder box in their front lawn!
Every day that I take a walk I pick up somebody else's garbage. I don't mind because I know that I'm correcting a mistake of another person and making my Earth cleaner. I know pollution is never going to stop and I'm not trying to shove hippie thoughts down everybody's throats. For all of you that reailze this is a problem and take pride in not being ignorant and lazy, try to take the time to correct one mistake of someone else and maybe we can harmonize this mess we've made.

In my opinion, the most beautiful places are the ones that are untouched by humans. I'm sure this won't be the last time I blog about this issue but I figured that my first post might as well promote my biggest idealogy.

A picture of my cousin Alandra at Hamburg Beach. This is the only part of the beach that I've ever seen without one piece of garbage and I commend each and every person that has helped make it this way.

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